
The word of the day is “hapless” boys and girls.  Here’s a quick definition.

hap·less    –adjective,  unlucky; luckless; unfortunate.

Hapless is when you and your teenage buddy are out doing stupid things like shooting people with BB guns and you shoot the wrong old guy.  The really wrong old guy.  The old guy that is an attorney and plays rugby and whose friends call “Dr. Death”.  When you shoot that particular harmless looking old guy he doesn’t just look confused and angry, he runs you down and tackles you in a parking lot.  Still, you aren’t completely hapless since he wasn’t packing his .45 Ruger that day.  If he had been, you would be taking a dirt nap by now.

Hapless is also when you have a restraining order against you from contacting, emailing, or text messaging your ex-wife.  Fortunately you know that you should obey that.  Unfortunately when you join Facebook just so you can look at a buddy’s wedding pictures and Facebook  sends your ex a friend request.  Then you go directly to jail, despite your claims that you didn’t understand Facebook’s signup procedure, and didn’t know your ex-wife had an account.

And that’s hapless, boys and girls.