Family Update

Hi folks.

It’s been a busy busy busy week and weekend which has cut into my posting schedule.  Nikki and I went to Syracuse this past weekend to get our Christmas shopping done.  We had a great time and were quite successful, and thanks go to Nanny and Poppy for watching the kids and dog while we were away.  It was fun to get away and do some serious people watching in the States.  Nikki and I both agreed that most people were extra friendly and the Carousel Mall there is simply humungous.

So we got the kids picked up again and the only small hiccup was that Quinn didn’t want to leave Nanny’s house.  In fact he hid under the covers in the bed and asked Nanny if we had left yet, hoping we wouldn’t notice that he wasn’t with us.  That’s a good problem to have, I suppose, and it certainly says a lot about how much fun they have there.

On another note, Jordy has been saving her allowance money for an iPod Nano and last night we decided she was close enough to actually order the darn thing.  Her only condition was that she be allowed to hold all of her money she has been saving before she spends it all.  We got some pictures of that which will be posted at some point.  Needless to say she is more than thrilled and agonized over the engraving.  So now it’s a long, painful wait for it to get here.

So there you go, a little update for you.