Exercise and Fat Loss

I read an interesting article about exercise and weight loss that challenges some of the conventional wisdom we have been taught.  Of course everybody knows that all you need to do to lose weight is to get to the gym, right?  The problem with that statement seems to be the lack of conclusive scientific proof to support that.  It seems incredible in a way that science really hasn’t proven that exercise makes for a guaranteed weight loss scenario.  It sort of makes sense, the body fights hard to maintain equilibrium.  So when you work out you usually develop an appetite to replenish the energy you used, resulting in a net of basically zero.  Go figure.  That’s a weight pun, people.

It’s a good read, and makes you at least consider that just maybe we have been wrong all this time about weight loss.  Of course exercising is still a good idea for your heart, muscles, well-being, etc.  It just may not be all that’s it’s cracked up to be when it comes to losing weight.