Stay at Home Servers

Sure, it’s marketing, and yes, it’s primarily for nerds, but it’s frigging funny marketing.  I saw a banner ad of all things advertising a new product from Microsoft, Windows Home Server.  The hook is an ad for a fake children’s book called Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House?  It’s a great take on kid’s books trying to explain why having a server at home is not a weird thing at all, it’s very very normal.

The site is complete with a Colbert-esque news man with some very funny short pieces on why stay at home servers will tear families apart, etc.  He’s hitting on the Mom, while ridiculing the Dad and kids.  It’s some nice marketing from Microsoft, without hitting you over the head with the technical stuff it comes across as funny and memorable.  Some of the best ads I have ever seen from Microsoft, really.

Check it out.

Stay at Home Servers

One thought on “Stay at Home Servers

  1. Okay, that is hilarious! I absolutely love that, and thank you for sharing it! (Even if I am a technophobe.)

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