Belated Earth Day

Blast and damn.  I had a couple of things I wanted to mention on Earth Day and didn’t get a chance to do so.  Must be the viral invader in my system messing with my synapses.  Anyway, first a good article about how the biggest question we all face when thinking about doing something about climate change is “Why Bother?“.  It’s a good piece, and makes a fairly strong case that if we each do something, everybody bothers to do one little thing, then we create a sort of social pressure to do more, like a positive feedback loop.  Individual efforts hardly matter at all to the environment directly, but maybe our example to others will help start a wave of change that will actually make a difference.  His favourite personal act seems to be starting a vegetable garden in your yard.  Anyway it’s a good read, check it out.

Then we have a feel-good commercial for the Discovery Channel, I Love the Whole World.  Catchy and fun.

Happy Belated Earth Day folks.

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