Out of the Mouths of Babes…

Not much from me today… just a few little tidbits that I thought I might share.

1.    Cael today on the way home from an awesome day at preschool…was my duty day today…says to me, “I’d like to go to my girlfriend’s house again.”  I said, “Well I’m sure we could arrange a playdate with them again soon.”  He replies with a really dreamy look on his face as he stares out the van window, “I’d like to marry them on a cloud.  I think that would be very nice.”  I had to agree.  How dreamy.  What a honey-dripper….

2.    Speaking of honey-dripping…(nice segue to my next topic)… Quinn had a little moment last night.  Recently I got a perm in my hair.  If you have ever had one, you will know that it stinks and you can’t wash your hair for 2 days.  I finally have been able to wash my hair, and as Quinn was snuggling in it he said, “That smells better…It smelled like they put trash in it before.”  Ah, how sweet.  Brought a tear to my eye it did.

3.    And Jordy, well she’s just as awesome as ever.  She’s becoming a really great girlfriend and it’s nice.  She’s finally  working more with the whole babysitting gigs and such … (thanks to the Stevenson’s)… so there is more shopping in our future…YAY!

That’s it for me for today… I’m going to try to make a more conscious effort to contribute more.  We’ll see how that goes with summer holidays coming…Ya right.