The horror, the horror

This poor child has a disorder that prevents him from sleeping.  Ever.  He’s never slept a night in his entire life.  Apparently not sleeping for the first four years of his life also makes him a tad cranky.

His parents, however, are fine.  Juuust fine, thank you.  FINE I said.

We have great kids, I enjoy them a lot.  And they all enjoy sleeping a lot.  I love it when they sleep even more, however.  It’s grownup time, and some days it is as necessary as oxygen.  To think of these parents locked into a sandy eyed, bleary hell for all of this time gives me the willies.  My eyeballs would probably actually physically shrivel like raisins in their sockets, falling out periodically, inducing sudden vertigo.  Between that and the involuntary limb windmilling, and sudden screaming (I’m referring to the symptoms of the parents of course), it’s a wonder they haven’t been arrested for something yet.  Although I would imagine that would be a sweet release in a way.  Locked in a dark room full of sex offenders and murderers for 8 hours… in my books very much preferable to 4 years without sleep.

Can you tell that we value sleep at our house?