Train of Thought

Ok, so stay with me for a minute on this one.  First off, we have a perfect example of the insanity that currently pervades our society when it comes to airport security.  Not only can you not take (gasp!) toothpaste on the plane, you also can’t wear a T-shirt with a picture of a Transformer on it, if that Transformer is holding a gun.  Never mind that it’s a picture of a gun, a fictional cartoon character, and it’s a frigging shirt, people.  Thank goodness these people are there to keep us safe from any dangerous silkscreening.

From deadly t-shirts we move onto the incredible strangeness of the homeless woman in Tokyo who apparently moved into a man’s closet and LIVED THERE FOR A YEAR.  A year.  Two things come to mind here, the first of which is just how frigging roomy is this man’s closet?  I was always led to believe that Tokyo was a densely populated city, with space at a premium.  Perhaps they should consider reclaiming some closets to solve this space shortage.  Secondly, how clueless do you have to be to not notice the person living in your closet?  I mean sure there’s always the convenience factor that maybe you would overlook some things, like being able to just ask for the right shirt and have it handed to you in the morning.  But still, a whole year, that’s a serious case of weird.  Apparently he only noticed because of the missing food, not the extra toothbrush in the bathroom, extra laundry, and unexplained subscription to Closet Living magazine.  Not the most observant fella here.

From closets, clothing and deception we move onto more clothing, or more specifically clothing designed to deceive.  Apparently there is a certain demand for underpants that are padded to simulate assets that aren’t actually there.  Padded underpants, people.  Designed to make your butt look bigger.  Why?  Why?  Isn’t the whole point of exercise to actually reduce the size of that thing?  If yours is lacking in padding, isn’t that good?  I’m completely lost here as to the reasoning behind it (har har).  There are men’s and women’s sizes there, and interestingly there are only various sizes available for the men’s line.  Is it possible that these things are more popular with men?  I can’t imagine wearing it, it would feel like you had a diaper on I would think.  It’s a strange world folks.

From inexplicable butt enhancements to absolutely ridiculous body “enhancements” through the creative use of some of the “wonderful” chemicals available to us these days.  While some of the pictures shown are heavily photoshopped, some still come close enough to make you just shake your head, and wonder.

Thanks for staying with me on this, it helps to talk it out.

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