Water Conservation Calculator

Well, here’s a neat little water usage calculator to give you an idea of just how your bloated McMansion lifestyle stacks up to the average for your province.  I gave it a crack, and discovered that for some reason (probably the fact that I have grossly underestimated our water usage) we show up as well below the average, surprisingly below in fact.  I must have done something wrong.

Still, we don’t have a pool, I never wash the cars (lazy pays in this case), and only rarely water the lawn these days.  I even put in a fairly honest (I think) 8 loads of laundry a week, and 7 dishwasher loads a week.  Nikki is probably laughing right now at that since I’m not home all day and have no frigging idea…..  Still it’s good to have some idea of how you stack up, water-wise.

Anyway, there you go, have a look and see how you compare to the parched, camel-like existence of the Vallentyne household.

***  Editor’s note:  I went back and realized that the survey was asking for information on “me”, for example “how many times a day do you flush the toilet?” and they probably meant to say “how many times do toilets get flushed in your household?”.  I gave a quick guess, and what do you know, we are much much damper and squishier than I had originally guessed.  So much for that.  It is neat that the site remembers your previous results though.

Our now more accurate water consumption

It’s strangely ironic that the toilet flushing thing really upped our consumption since it’s all we can do to get the lads to remember to flush the damn thing anyway, no matter what lies in wait in there.

Thanks to Mom for the link.

4 thoughts on “Water Conservation Calculator

  1. Somhow Rob and I come in above the provincial average only running the dishwasher once a week, a front loading washer (6 loads a week), water saver tap heads and all! What the hell???

  2. Must be alot of single people who go to work and flush there…ahem….bidness,instead of at home.But a family of five and add trainwreck beans into the mix”Goodbye national average!”

  3. Definitely the trainwreck beans would the downfall there. Best you make them, take them camping with you and do your bidness in the wilderness maybe?

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