…and this little piggy?

Talk about your sound sleepers, this poor woman had her toe chewed off while she was sleeping, by her own dog. She has diabetes and (obviously) has nerve damage in her extremities and only noticed the toe missing when she woke up.

Her “beloved” miniature daschund had apparently chewed it off.

“..her beloved Roscoe was euthanized because of safety concerns.”

Safety concerns, ya think?  Now that he has a taste for you, he’s probably just waiting for you to doze off again…  You couldn’t trust your little piggies to that little monster.

Man’s best friend, sure.  But woman?  Not so much.

Then again, the dog’s side of the story may have something to do with being kicked by that same toe repeatedly over the years, he maybe was just getting even.  Although to make it even he really ought to take a toe from the other foot…  Get it?  9 toes, odd number?  Ah, nevermind.