Palin behaved like a hillbilly? You’re kidding!

I really did wonder what the heck they were doing when they picked this one to run next to the old guy.  She turned their side from just another rich old guy running for president into a circus that made him seem foolish instead of just corrupt.  It looks like her own team is out to rake her over the coals now that the election is lost. 

The Knives come out for Sarah Palin

There’s some good stuff in there.  Apparently she wasn’t aware that Africa was a continent, for example.  She would have been a train wreck of epic proportions if she got into office, that much is clear.  It’s kind of scary how far she got, really.  

It makes me wonder what they will dig up about her next.  Perhaps her 15 minutes in the spotlight isn’t over yet, but probably for the wrong reasons.