Guns in Churches, why not?

It’s hard to come up with a pun that hasn’t been overused here, so I won’t.  In the event that a gun toting maniac decides to come and shoot up the church knitting club in Arkansas, finally the ladies can now throw down and spray some hot lead back.  It’s now legal to carry a concealed weapon to church, so I guess the pastors and fathers of Arkansas had better look smart and not bore the congregation for sure now.

Thank heavens, it’s finally as Jesus had intended, I’m sure.

To be fair to Arkansas, it seems that they are not the first, in fact the article says there are 20 other states that allow churches to decide whether or not to allow concealed weapons.

Most of those states have “firearm blessing” services at the cloakrooms of the churches, allowing patrons to have their sidearms blessed while they themselves are attending church services.

Ok I made that last part up, but it doesn’t seem that far off now, does it?

Some days the slide into chaos seems more fun than others.  This isn’t one of those days.