Some days, you just have to say “Awesome!”

Today I decided to continue on a task that has been staring me in the face for a while. We started to clean out the basement – something that has taken us 8 to 9 years to destroy – in order to help prep the house for our new addition to the family….a SAINT BERNARD! Yes, we are idiots, but that is nothing new to anyone who knows us.   This is our new bouncing baby boy seen here below at 6 weeks old.  Keep it under wraps though (as I write this on the internet…) because the two boys don’t know about him.  It’s a surprise.  Jordy found us out when the “puppy” dog food arrived.  DOH!puppies-6-weeks-old-049

In addition to this nightmare of a task…there’s the whole jewelry business re-org that is 3-4 years overdue. Yeesh. There is presently NO dining room table as a result of this undertaking – make me nuts! Then there is the craft smorgasbord blob that I have been nursing and feeding for the last 13 years for the kids. Didn’t know I even had half the craft supply stuff that is here so, better just buy it again….and so the mound grows and grows. Holy accumulation batman! It’s nuts. I could open our own dollar store. (Not something I’m proud of.)

So Court and I decided to take on this beast before the new little beast (that will grow to 225lbs+) arrives. Hmm! Who knew that, DAMN(!) that would feel SOOOOO good. So today I continue on and slowly start to feel the feelings of being overwhelmed dissipate. The basement is starting to take shape, the Jewelry re-org is in progress but the house is still demolished. That too will be remedied eventually. Nothing like a house full of company all weekend to light a fire under one’s buttocks in that regard.

So what has this declutterization done for me? (Besides allow me the “Colbert” privilege of creating a new word?) ALOT! Suddenly I’m thinking, “Hey, my kids are healthy and happy! -AWESOME!” , “I have the best hubby in the world who loves me no matter how overwhelmed I get! – AWESOME!”, “I’m hanging out with my girl-y peeps for Mother’s Day on Friday for dinner and drinks! – AWESOME!”, “There are new beginnings with the extened family that make me want to burst with happiness! – AWESOME!”, “I have friends that know what it is like to live the crazy at-home-mom life with a litter of kids and that alone is refreshing! – AWESOME!”

OH! And finally, we have this new addition coming. Now,… and just now, (because we are finally getting our act together) I can finally get excited about our new furry little man who will arrive here on the evening of May 15th. – AWESOME!

Take on 3 kids (one of which is a teenager, two of which are young boys)? CHECK!  How about 2 Large Breed dogs? Sure! Why not, what the hell! -  I’m feeling…..wait for it…..AWESOME!