Mailbag Time

Like any incredibly popular website, we get literally BYTES (for the non-technical crowd, that’s not very much) of email from you folks, screaming for this or that.  I do my best to satisfy every request, but there’s only so many minutes in a day (that I can spend working on a blog at work that doesn’t pay anything at all, all the while taking time away from my day job).

Having said that, it’s finally time to read just a very small fraction (both) of the messages I have received recently from you crazy folks.

First off, strangely devoted reader Stacey sent a message a while back about what the Ottawa Citizen is calling a “Miracle at the Experimental Farm“, but to me is just ever so slightly horrifying.  It’s an article about a cow at the farm with a strange set of markings that make it look like the cow is basically attempting to crap out a small child.  See for yourself (stole the picture without permission so this post will make sense when the Citizen erases history like it seems to do on a regular basis).

Cow Face

Now, that does not look like the face of a happy kid, it looks like the kid has been smushed under a cow’s rear end, and would much rather be miraculously appearing somewhere, anywhere else. Still I admit that I have never seen that before, and that’s what learning is all about folks, now you can cross off “see cow poop out a kid” from your lifetime bucket list.  Thanks Stace!

Next we move onto a slightly more technical topic, this one sent in from GibsonTechCorp‘s chief smarty pants, Wanda.  It’s from a newsletter for the technically challenged (it seems to me that Ask Leo would almost be the competition, wouldn’t it Wanda?  And he’s giving it away for free!  No link for Leo…) with this gem:

How do I move my Windows Live Hotmail account from one computer to another?

I am selling a computer and I need to delete our Hotmail accounts from it. We have a laptop we need to activate them on. How do we do this?

This surprisingly common question is an example of a misunderstanding of exactly just how services like Hotmail work.

In short: it’s not on your computer.

If that’s not funny to you, well then perhaps you could use some assistance from Gibson Technology Corporation, because they will smarten you up, dumbass, but good.  Actually, the slogan is catchier and clearer than that, “We tech-smart you”.  Also, it seems to me that is sporting a nifty new website, and I have somehow never noticed the blog there before (Is it because I’m a self centered egotistical bastard?  Yeah.)  Thanks Wanda!

Ok, well there’s the mailbag for today.  As I said, there’s BYTES of this stuff, it’s hard to blog it all (I actually was waiting for another message to come in after Stacey’s so I could have, you know, a MAILBAG post).

2 thoughts on “Mailbag Time

  1. Pingback: Mundane Ramblings » Animal News Roundup

  2. Hi Court,

    thanks for the plug… My latest ‘rescue of the week’ was somebody who was going to buy a new digital camera because of the message ‘memory card full’….no kidding…

    let’s ‘do lunch’ in September and talk about our radio show!!

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