Jesus Priced, I Hope I Don’t get the Spine Flu

Cael was mentioning the other day that Jesus (remember him?) did something or other, and he called him Jesus Priced.  Nikki and I had a good laugh about that one.  We have at various times over the years purposefully not corrected the various mistakes the kids made with words because it was either too cute, or the potential for comedy was too great.  For years Cael wanted a certain “banklet” on his bed because it was soft and fuzzy, and Nikki and I would privately snicker to each other.  It’s a form of child abuse, basically.  Ok, not really, but still it’s slightly dishonest.

Similarly, Quinn was patiently explaining something to Cael after listening to Nikki and I talk, and he said that we would all eventually get a needle so that we wouldn’t get the spine flu.  Don’t tell the media, because that sounds like a scary-assed flu to me, imagine the frenzy they would whip up with a name like that.  Swine flu (but pigs can’t fly?) has nothing on that one.

Jordy used to have a couple of good ones that we never corrected, she just figured it out on her own.  A callipater was fun to let crawl on your arm.  If you couldn’t read the fine print you got out your findafying glass, and then when you were hungry you ordered a hangaburger.

Finally, as we seem to have been hanging around hockey rinks way more often that before, Cael has discovered the simple joys of watching the ice get surfaced after a hockey practice.  Yep, the plamboni comes out and does a great job of making the rink smooth.

If you don’t mess up your children, someone else will just come along and do it for you, and they will probably do it wrong.  It’s best these things happen early and often…

One thought on “Jesus Priced, I Hope I Don’t get the Spine Flu

  1. I LOVE IT!
    Even though I was there, it is still pretty damn funny to read. Geez I love these kids! I can’t wait until Court posts the gem that came out this morning at 6:15AM. It’s GOLD!

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