My Lucky Secret Weapon

I am lucky.

In general I think I have been one of the luckiest people I know.  I have been employed steadily at a job I generally love for the past 16 years without any real interruption, I have the best family and wife I could ever hope for, I’m healthy, I have great friends, the list goes on and on.  I’m sickeningly happy.

I have always felt that this was a direct result of me simply expecting to be that happy and successful.  It makes no real sense, and I had no reason to believe that it would actually work, but it did.  I am one of the more, ah, relaxed people I know, and it’s probably because of that very fact; I expect things to probably be just fine, so I’m not worried about them, and because I’m relaxed they do in fact turn out fine.

Now this has been basically “proven” in a sort of long term study.  The article gives lots of detail, but the main point is: being lucky can be learned.

You can become luckier just by trying, and upon reading the article I understand now that I have been doing this for years without realizing it.

  • Lucky people tend to look on the positive side of misfortune
  • Lucky people trust their instincts
  • Unlucky people tend to be creatures of routine.

Way cool.  Saw the article on Lifehacker.