Cael Does Comedy

I try to keep things balanced here on the blog so that when I do a post about the kids there is something about everyone.  Since the blog is the only online search-able record of some of the things we do, it only seems fair.  I do have to make an exception this morning however since it seems that Cael has been on a roll lately.  There have been some Facebook status updates and other conversations, but I wanted to capture some of this stuff here so we wouldn’t forget.

We were having dinner and out of the usual dinner noise and simultaneous conversations we all suddenly heard Cael say to Quinn:  “Good thing that didn’t hit me in the juice sack.”

Nikki and I immediately stop and turn to him.  “What?”

Cael: Good thing that didn’t hit me in the juice sack.  That’s what I call my eye, cause it’s full of eye juice.

Ah ya.  Needless to say we laughed at that one.

Since both boys have started hockey this year, to say that our weekends are busy is a large understatement.  It is going incredibly well however.  Recently we were talking about picking a team name for Cael’s team and Cael’s first suggestion went like this:

Cael: How about team “Ball Sack?”

Nikki and I (the by now familiar): “What?”

Cael: That’s what I call my eyelids, cause your eyeballs….

The rest of this was lost to our combined laughter, I have no idea why Cael would want to name his hockey team after his eyelids, but we by now suspect that Cael knows exactly how hilarious he is and this “ingenuous 6 year old” act is perfect for saying things that he would not otherwise get away with.  He has already learned the comedy rule that “sack” is a funny word, no matter how you use it.

Nikki was recently describing to them how she loved being pregnant with the boys, and how she felt generally great and didn’t have a lot of the issues other moms sometimes had.  The only issue she had was how ENORMOUS and round her belly got (the boys got a good chuckle out of that).  Cael then asked; “So, was I the orb of awesomeness?”  There was no denying it at that point.

We just had parent-teacher night at the school, and Cael’s first grade has been a little rough at the beginning so we were a little apprehensive about going.  Sure enough, his teacher was quick to relay this gem to us.

Cael had been having a bit of a day, it seems and the final straw was his long turn at the pencil sharpener (resulting in the casual destruction of at least 4 inches of new pencil).  His teacher mentioned that she would have to call his parents about his behaviour today.  Cael immediately went into damage control and started negotiations.  He told her in exchange for not calling us he would give her 50 push ups, like that was something she didn’t even know she wanted. The kicker was the confident grin he gave her as he said it.  She made sure to mention the grin.

Nikki and I are in for a long year.  We are a little frightened about how he is maturing.  If he ever becomes half as persuasive as he thinks he already is, we are all doomed.  Hide your daughters, count your money, and never, ever look into those eyes.