Get the F$*k Off the Plane

Sometimes the Internet really provides, you know?  No sooner than I wrote about the children’s author who is just killing it with his book:  Go The F%*k to Sleep (the movie rights have already been optioned, btw) than we get this little story of a children’s author who kinda drops an F-bomb or two during an airplane delay (and who hasn’t thought something like that themselves?), not even really directed at anyone, and manages to get his book-writing butt kicked off the plane.  Fortunately the plane had not yet taken off.

The article mentions the author’s statement:

“The ironic part is I’m putting a children’s book out in August so this wasn’t the kind of press I was looking for,” he added, saying there are no obscenities in the book.

I believe Sam Jackson would say something like “Well maybe you should PUT some damn swear words in your book, look what it did for the other guy.”

It seems that this blog is starting to weave quite the tapestry of profanity.  Kids will do that to you.