Gumby Fails to Rob Convenience Store, foiled by pockets or Gumby hands, or both

Yes, this is a pathetic re-post of a silly news story.  It’s an effort to break the blog block I have been having lately.  It’s still funny.  Enjoy.

The clerk thought it was a joke and told Gumby that he had to go back to cleaning. Gumby insisted that the robbery was real and proceeded to reach into his Gumby-like pockets as if he were looking for a weapon, of which was never produced. The Gumby costume impeded his efforts to reach into his pockets and after fumbling around for several minutes, Gumby gave up his efforts and walked out of the store after dropping 26 cents out of his pocket.

Thank you, Internet.  Also hit the link for bonus surveillance video of this idiot.

Source:  Boing Boing and the San Diego News