You are as old as you think you might be, kinda

Recent breakfast conversation:

Cael: “Would you say I am basically 8 years old?” (Cael turns 8 in January, and is rather eager to do so)

Dad: “Not yet, buddy.”

Cael: “Am I mentally 8 years old?”

Quinn (choking down a spoonful of cereal to answer immediately): “You can just decide how old you want to be mentally, you can be 35 if you want.  Jeez.”

I hope this translates well to the web, I laughed myself silly about this one.  It was Quinn’s semi-outraged, authoritative tone that did it to me.  My god, I am raising him into an exact replica of myself it seems.  Hopefully without the teenage acne though.  And finishing post secondary school would be good.  There are other traits that he could also do without, but that’s another post.