Quinn’s Favourite Hobby

A few months ago we had the pleasure of meeting Quinn’s teacher at a program night at the school.  She made sure Nikki and I had a look at one of Quinn’s first writing assignments, which she thought was just great.  The assignment was to write about your favourite hobby.  Quinn had told us that he picked “breathing” as his hobby, which I actually had just initially thought was a cop-out topic, considering how many hobbies he actually has.  But, when I saw it I was actually rather glad he picked it, I think you will agree.

Quinns favourite hobby


My Favourite Hobby

My favourite hobby is breathing. I love to breathe.  Breathing the fresh delightful air.  Though it has to be the outside air with the shining sun staring at you, chirping birds flitting about and football sized sunflowers smiling at you.  Not the crammed dismal office cubicle air, with plump and sweaty old Bob next door complaining about rush-hour traffic.  Or greasy Joe spilling his coffee on the floor duct, flavouring the whole east wing oxygen with hint of chocolate latte.  But you gotta rough it with Bob and Joe because it makes it better when you hit that long deserved oasis.


Stay tuned for Cael’s masterpiece….

3 thoughts on “Quinn’s Favourite Hobby

  1. Very nice salsa words to spice up that writing, Quinn! I will not think about breathing the same way anymore after reading this!

  2. Breathing is more enjoyable than I thought after reading this. Good job Quinn!

  3. Pingback: Cael’s Vacation Request | Happy Vallentynes Blog

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