Happy Teenager Day

Today Quinn turns into a teenager, the very thought makes me realize just how crazy time is.  I won’t get all maudlin about how he was an adorable baby just like last week and he’s made of puppy kisses and rainbows.  Well, he is, but that’s irrelevant.

I thought instead I would just say how proud I am that he is becoming the person he is.  He’s my son, but more so he’s my friend, and I’m pretty happy to know him.  He’s a good person, and funny.  I will take credit for one of those things, the other happened because that’s who he is (yeah that’s just a proud parent thing).  I value his friendship and look forward to many years of it.  Sharing a laugh because what makes us laugh is usually the exact same thing is the best thing ever.

Anyway, just wanted to leave a little note to say that my buddy turned 13 here on the blog, and I’m proud of him.  I’ll just leave this here for him to read at some point later on.  🙂