This might not offer Ali

This might not offer Ali anything in the way of solace, but it is interesting.

Here’s something to make you gaze in wonder a little more at the depths of decay in advertising, and the interesting things that people will believe if told properly.

In case you haven’t caught it yet, Kentucky Fried Chicken is running a new set of ads that promote how healthy fried chicken is for you. They do this with a completely straight face, and the tag line includes some facts about fat content, or some other number to make it sound official. Slate has a nice piece on this one.

I find it surprising that they would choose to go this route in the wake of the “I’m suing the fast food restaurants for making me a huge slobbery fat person” stuff. I already talked about that once, and won’t rehash it for you here.

Now picture the type of person they are targeting here. It’s got to be someone that loves fried chicken. Well who wouldn’t? I have eaten the stuff myself, many times. I usually regret it, but it can be tasty. It’s also someone that is at least aware of healthy eating as a concept. Again, it’s hard to find someone that couldn’t tell what an acceptable healthy choice for food would be, we are pummelled with it daily in adverstising format. Still, these ads are looking for the type of person that still somehow is willing to believe that fried chicken is healthier than a hamburger. In fact, we are told that it can be part of a healthy lifestyle. If it’s part of a healthy lifestyle, an all-fried-chicken diet must be part of an even healthier lifestyle, right?

Yep, that’s how you sell fried chicken.

Hey y’all. I thought I’d

Hey y’all. I thought I’d give posting another quick go. Nice to hear the Mighty is giving new meaning to the word “castaway” today. And speaking of things nautical (groan), did you know that the California gubernatorial race has received a slight bit of credibility with the announced candidacy of our favourite sailor, Captain Morgan? That’s right! This 368-year-old go-getter is running on a party-hard party platform, and though his website could use a little work, I think that if you link to his bio from here you’ll be pleased you did. The best part is the “Fast Facts” about the Captain, especially “Favourite Letter: ARRRRRR”.


I will quickly post this

I will quickly post this because it’s hard to hear on the show, but Showcase posted the lyrics to Bubbles’ rap on the Microphone Assassin episode. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry, just relax and breathe. Reality will pass you by.

Bubbles’ Rap

I got a grey kitty, white one, and a tabby too/
And a big orange guy who put snakes in my shoes/
Mad MC skills, leave ya struck, and I roll with ma kitties, and I’am hard as f—/

I am down with Plato and Socrates/
And I like to get busy with all the ladies.
Grunt, grunt/
sumthin,’ sumthin,’ sumthin,’/
Up in ma shed, up in ma shed…

Ahh, now that’s good stuff.


Hideyho folks, or should I

Hideyho folks, or should I say Arr, avast ye mateys.

Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day, don’t forget. Also in the news today, appropriately enough, is a hurricane. Even the weather likes Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Anyway, what’s up today…. Not too much. Looks like work on the basement will continue this weekend instead of working on work, some weekend activities were cancelled suddenly yesterday. That’s good news for the basement. Also, the date for the big garage sale has been set, it’s Sept 27th. That’s good news for the garage, which has been accumulating junk at an alarming rate. It’s not much of a garage at the moment, more of a trash heap. So, if you have any junk, er stuff you think you can sell, bring it on over and put a price tag on it.

Here’s a note from one-time-blog-poster-but-now-too-consumed-with-her-own-personal-interests

Here’s a note from one-time-blog-poster-but-now-too-consumed-with-her-own-personal-interests Ali:

Tomorrow, my friends, is international Talk Like a Pirate day:

Are ya ready, kids??

Ah yes.

At one time this topic would have made for jolly blog banter. Now it’s just dribbling through email inboxes like yesterday’s grog in the privy.


Arrh, I don’t know what I’m doin’.

But, one guy that does know what he’s doin’ is the director of Trailer Park Boys, Mike Clattenburg. I recently received the 1st and 2nd season DVD collection and Nikki and I have been going through some of the special features and they are absolutely hilarious. There aren’t many, but the ones that are included are excellent. A lot of focus on J-Roc and Ricky, which is all good. We also watched one of the episodes that has a commentary by Mike Clattenburg and it’s really interesting to hear what he has to say. For instance, Ricky (Rob Wells) actually owns Lahey’s car in real life.

Anyway, I’m sure some of you will be subjected to watching it at our place soon enough, but I think it’s excellent.
