The Running Dead?

I’m just going to leave this here.

Severed Feet Keep Washing up on Pacific NorthWest Shores

I have noticed this story before, and yep it’s still weird.  I used up all my puns on those two blog posts (I even made a hokey-pokey one), I really have nothing LEFT (ok I still amuse myself with these things at least).  A really strange coincidence is that almost all of the feet were wearing running shoes.  Exercise kills, people.

16 feet since 2007.  I’m gonna keep my feet in Ontario, I think. it’s slightly less weird.

My First Zumba Class, ever. 12 Things I learned….

Krumping. It’s a thing, and I did it.

Go pee before you zumba….’nuff said.

It’s like line-dancing on crack, with more variety, way cooler, Latin and sexy

If you consume more than 250mls of water during your workout, it may not play nice with your stomach. (Limits not tested to evacuation but let’s just trust that guideline, mmkay? Good. Moving on.)

I’ve never been more intimately acquainted with all the non-toned parts of me. Ever.

You can barely hear the pulsing, awesome and fun music over your ass and lungs screaming.

Your gym clothes slide off you after as though you were an oil slick.

The thought of a hot/warm shower afterward is as appealing as hot-tubbing with a bobcat.

By the time I convinced myself my own stench was worse than the thought of showering I had burned 650 calories. (This is more than any Greco or P90X workout I have ever done.)

I am a Latin goddess and didn’t know it.

Once I nail these moves, my sexiness will be so great it will arrive 10 minutes ahead of me wherever I go.

I have never worked out with a bigger smile on my face in a room with complete strangers.

Here is what I think I look like doing Zumba:
1 - J Lo in Manila 4

Here is what I actually look like doing Zumba:
1 - napolian DB954C1D-8DDB-DD98-FBAF-8C917EBCBCD9
…but that’s ok, I’m working up to J-Lo status my fellow babes!

Football family

When we finally decided that the boys could play football this year, after several years of the boys nagging to play, I might add, I don’t think we really knew what we were in for. We knew about the schedule, and the possibility that the guys might not make the team if they got cut. In short, we had no idea.

The fun part about the practices (admittedly we have only had a handful so far) is watching the kids start to understand the drills, and even now start to get better. The coaches are tough, but so far you can feel it’s going to be a fun year.

I wonder how we will feel about it all after another 50 practices…..

How to win an argument

It seems that Moreta Folch is the Queen of winning arguments.  She had a little quarrel with her neighbours in Florida, it’s not clear about what exactly (she thought they were “unsavoury”).   Anyway it seems that she got somewhat upset over the dispute and decided to END it.  I mean, end it once and for all, forever, not open for discussion, nope never nuh-uh.

She bulldozed their home.

She called a bulldozer driver and hired him to demolish the trailer and septic tank where her neighbours lived.  She told the driver she owned it and wanted it gone.  The real owners arrived and found the bulldozer already in the process of destroying everything they owned.  So, they called the cops, and the predicable stuff is now happening with the courts.

But you gotta hand it to her, the bulldozer is a real closer.  There’s just no comeback that works after that.