Contact Amnesia, or Good Friends are Cloud Worthy

“I got a new phone, so I lost all of my contacts, text me your names….”

Most of us probably know someone that has asked this question, usually on Facebook.  Maybe you have even had to do this yourself from time to time.  At best this is inconvenient, at worst you could lose something really important.   As a geek by profession, this would be personally embarrassing if it happened to me.

What if I told you it never has to happen again?

Let me now boldly claim:  I have never lost a digital contact in my life.  Every contact that I have ever created is still with me, through over a dozen different cell phones on different platforms.  Even better?  This monumental act of digital hoarding took exactly ZERO effort on my part.

How did I manage to achieve this seemingly herculean feat so easily where others fail?

It’s simple:  store contacts in your email account, and not on your phone.  That’s it.

Cloud Contact

Every cloud email provider today (,, etc.) has a contact feature that allows storage of all kinds of details about your contacts aside from their email address.   This storage of info is in the cloud, accessible from any device and survives the dreaded phone loss/damage/replacement problem easily. (In fact, when you combine that with OneDrive, there’s actually nothing stored permanently on my phone that I can’t recover instantly or with little effort).  Depending on your phone OS you may need to configure the contacts a little differently, but they all support this.  My vote goes to Office 365 or for pure simplicity, but you can get this done with most other major email providers.


Having your friend’s phone numbers stored on your phone’s internal SIM card is like telling them you don’t care enough to never forget them, and that might make them sad.

Good friends are cloud worthy.

However, I should warn you: this beautiful piece of advice comes with a dark side… Eventually you will need to get into that contacts list and clean it out.  Your dentist from 15 years ago?  Yeah, he’s still in there.  Even scarier:  Your ex?  Probably still in there.

So, you might want to add a reminder (in your Calendar, but that’s another post) for yourself to spend a minute or two every 6 months to delete those old contacts….  It could save some awkward conversations.


Windows 10 Calculator for Life’s Important Questions

Note: This post also appeared on the Microsoft Trending Hub, and Facebook, and Twitter which was pretty darn cool, although the images were broken and got mixed up with another post….  So I thought I would post it here with the right images.

If you are like me a calculator is something that essentially changed your life back in grade school.  Those dreaded times tables became child’s play with your trusty calculator handy.  OK so maybe the times tables weren’t so bad, but there were bigger nastier mathematical operations lurking in your future, and my trusty buddy would be there.

Looking sharp....

Looking sharp….


Years pass, and now I spend most of my time on my laptop.  But since my brain doesn’t get younger, I still rely on a calculator, which for years now has looked more or less like this.

My trusty friend...

My trusty friend…


The Windows XP calculator.  Serviceable, and functional to be sure.  Perhaps not terribly exciting though, and lacking in personality.

Lately though, my attention has been captured by a flashier model.  Windows 10 has brought many gifts, but one of the least known is the calculator…  Sure, it gets the job done with the regular math related stuff, and is very touch-friendly since that’s how we roll these days.

Win 10 Calculator

Win 10 Calculator


But what most people don’t know is just how life changing (yes, life changing) this calculator can be.  For instance, just click the hamburger and see what you get with this beauty.

Convert your LIFE

Yes folks, this calculator is also a CONVERTER of things; ever needed to know how many inches there are in 3 centimeters?  We got you covered.  How about how many teaspoons in 90 milliliters?  Yep we got that too.


Even better, there are other measurement suggestions given for each conversion.  For instance, 100Km/h when converted to miles/h looks like this.

Partial horses...

1.38 horses folks.  That’s something I wish I had known before…. Although the Knots conversion is also useful since I never really understood that before now.  It doesn’t take long to play around and find some other fun stuff.


Bathtubs being a very reasonable quantity of measure, of course.

So, as if you needed another reason to use Windows 10 I would argue that this feature ALONE might even convert you.

(see what I did there?)

Words I wish I would finally stop typing

As an IT person, I type things a lot.  I type the same things a lot, even.  However, despite LITERALLY years of experience and practice typing some of the same damn things my fingers stubbornly refuse to learn some of them.  I mean, it’s pretty bad sometimes.

Here are some of my favourites.


Ah yes, any nerd worth his salt knows this beauty.  And no, that damn bracket doesn’t belong there.  But, despite probably 20 years of practice, that’s what I type every damn time, or some jumble of things that look close, but not quite right.

Microsoft Excahnge

So, I work for Microsoft now, but even before that I essentially lived and breathed Microsoft Exchange (an email server product) for YEARS.  Needless to say, I have probably typed that word a million times in my lifetime.  Have I even come close to achieving proficiency?  Nope.

And finally, the shortest most frustrating word that for whatever reason just won’t come out right the first time:


Yeah, that’s supposed to be ping.  Four letters.  Wrong like 75% of the time.  How is that even possible?

And all of this gets so much worse when someone is watching me type, it’s like my fingers are giving a 4th grade speech in front of the school.

Thanks for reading, I feel much better now, exorcising those denoms.

Windows Phone 8.1 for the win…

So, I might have mentioned last week that I was excited about the new Windows Phone update.  Well, it showed up bright and early Monday morning, and it was absolutely worth the wait.

Cortana is the biggest feature delivered by far.  It’s Microsoft’s answer to Siri and Google Now, but absolutely holds her own and more.  Considering it’s BRAND new this is an amazing feature that is able to compete very well indeed with the other players in this area that have had 2 years or more to come up to speed.  Have a look at this showdown to see what I mean.

Even more than that, the Word Flow Shape Writing keyboard is something I never really knew I was missing (something like this has been available as an Android app for a while) until you use it.  It’s nothing short of incredible to use.  The unbelievable accuracy of my random swiping around is literally amazing.  It’s already won a Guinness World Record, if that’s your thing.
Anyway, it’s just way too much fun for a geek like me to play with, and there’s more to come since it’s all just a developer preview…



Windows Phone 8.1

Once upon a time I was pretty stoked about another mobile device, which now seems so very very boring.  These days I’m completely and totally stoked about the Windows Phone 8.1 release.  I mean really stoked.  I’ve been really obsessively checking for the developer release bits the last couple of days, since there was a moment in time where folks thought that might show up today.  However, it seems that I need to stop hitting update every 30 minutes or so, since this guy know a lot more about the release than I do:

So I can perhaps give the Internet a rest for the weekend, and probably stop checking.  Still incredibly stoked though, in a way that that other phone company used to get me excited for.


School Recital

Ok, so I work for Microsoft, and as a result I’m obviously not the most unbiased source of this information, but this commercial is particularly well done.  I laughed, if only for the sheer silliness of the thing.


I recently had a chance to play with one of these babies, and I will say the camera is absolutely fantastic, without a doubt.