Catnip for the 40-50 year olds

There’s a rapidly diminishing chance you haven’t seen this video yet if you are of a certain age.  For folks that enjoyed Led Zeppelin in their teenage years, this is pretty awesome stuff.  If you are older than that, well turn up your hearing aid and enjoy this.  If you are younger than that, get the hell off my lawn.


The associated story says this performance brought a tear to Robert Plant’s eye, which I can certainly empathize with.  Ann Wilson can still demolish those notes with ease, even if her range isn’t what it used to be.  Fantastic performance.

Saw this all over Facebook, cause I guess all of my friends are in the above-mentioned demographic.


School Recital

Ok, so I work for Microsoft, and as a result I’m obviously not the most unbiased source of this information, but this commercial is particularly well done.  I laughed, if only for the sheer silliness of the thing.


I recently had a chance to play with one of these babies, and I will say the camera is absolutely fantastic, without a doubt.