Here’s the kind of thing

Here’s the kind of thing that you can understand happening. Apparently officials in Sudan were reading the American Congress website, as I would imagine all officials in every country should probably do from time to time, it’s probably one of those national flossing and brushing things, you know, in order to prevent national crises. You never know what those Americans are going to do next. Jeez, a big place like Sudan, within shouting distance of places that have and are being occupied for oil, it might be a good idea to keep an eye on those guys. They rub right up against Libya, for crying out loud, they’re practically begging to be occupied, or somethin’ right?

Anyway, they found a report that said the American government had conducted nuclear tests there in the late 1960’s. Huh. So, they freaked out since they had no idea that had actually happened. You can see it going down too, because you know, Sudan is pretty big, and pretty sandy. Anyway, they called some of those American guys and it turns out it was a typo in the report, they meant to refer to Sedan, a nuclear testing site in Nevada. Ha ha, our bad, the Americans said.

I guess the guys in Sudan aren’t laughing too hard, though since they are still investigating.

Do you think they would have needed to continue the investigation if it had been some other country’s mistake? Like the Canadian Government web site, for instance, with a report on how many gay marriages were performed in Khartoum last month. Whups, hold on a second, that should read Kanata, not Khartoum.

I mean really, can you blame the Sudanese government?

Link to the original article.