I have been known to

I have been known to post about dumb criminals before, it’s a thing I have, I guess. I like reading about people that are stupid enough to take themselves out of society automatically. It’s like society’s safety valve, and it’s soothing and reassuring somehow.

Here’s another couple of doses of the idiot pacifier, two stories and one link. Somebody was going to rob a cell phone store, and he was casing the joint. I guess he had some time on his hands before he thought the time was right, so he filled out an application for mobile phone service. With his real name, address, social security number, date of birth and driver’s license…. I’m speechless. Mind you, he somehow got away, although not as easily as he would have if he had just bought his cell phone somewhere else.

Anywho, then there’s another anecdote on that very same article about two guys who were suspects in a shooting. The police are in the process of questioning them about the murder weapon, an AK-47, which they are denying any knowledge of, when one of the suspects gets a cell phone call and the wallpaper on the screen of the phone shows one of the guys holding the AK-47. Now that’s clear thinking.