Cousin Ange on the TV

Here’s some news:

My smart, attractive, single and now famous cousin Angie was on CBC last night. They had her on The National as part of a bit on adapting to climate change. It’s a good angle on the climate change stuff, talking about how people resist even the most obvious changes for no good reason. Anyway, Angie was on talking about her time in Bangladesh. She comes across as really smart and in my biased opinion better than the two chuckleheads on before her.

You can watch it for yourself on the CBC website today at least. I’m not sure if the link will work past today or not. Here’s the link to The National stream. While the whole show is of course very good, her segment starts at 43:20 or so, with Ange herself showing up at around 46:20.

Way to go Angie.