God’s Night Lights…

Well I’m ashamed to say that I will often hear my sweet children say things that I PROMISE myself not to forget, and yet the rub is that if you have sweet (and small) children, you will most certainly forget no matter what you do. They have a real knack for distracting you from retaining anything in your short term memory. I lose too many gems from my memory in a day, and I’d give anything to be able to bottle it all, or at least retain it long enough to blog about it. Ah, I digress.

Today however, there was a little gem that I DID manage to remember. It gave me a warm fuzzy that will no doubt linger long after today. We were on our way to the library in the van when Quinn and I had the following conversation:

Q- Mom,
Me- Yes Quinn
Q- Are our hearts God’s night lights?
Me- Wow, what a neat thing to say. Did you learn that at school?
Q- No.
Me-Did you hear someone say that?
Q- No. I just thought it up in my head.
Me-Well that is really awesome. What made you think of that?
Q- Well, at school in English class we sing this song every morning and it says “with glowing hearts, we see thee rise” and so I thought it meant that our hearts were God’s night lights
Me (Stunned) – Well Quinn, I think you are onto something there, and I completely agree with you that our hearts ARE in FACT God’s night lights.

There’s patriotism through a child’s eyes for you.

On that note, it is late and I bid you all a peaceful sleep. May God’s night lights cast upon you the warm fuzzy they will now forever give me.

Good Night,

4 thoughts on “God’s Night Lights…

  1. This is really profound for a child his age, isn’t it? Wow. I send this with a “glowing heart”.

  2. Oh, man, that is gold! I have shared that anecdote with everybody at work. The upshot is, Sondra wishes he was a student here, and will soon be calling to recruit him for SK next year…

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