August Party Prep

Preparations for the August Party Chez Vallentyne are proceeding this week.  Things are looking good, the early forecast is for sun and heat, so the various pools and water-based activities will be available for the kids.  Be sure to bring suits, although our pool is sadly of the inflatable variety and rather undersized for grownups, you are welcome to partake if you wish.  If you are looking to bring something to share, Nikki tells me that the best idea is to bring appetizers and/or salads.  I would also suggest that a lawn chair may be an excellent idea, but I already mentioned that here.  If you can let us know if you are coming, then drop me a comment or email, but if you are keeping your options open then of course you can just drop in that day, and who do you think you are, a friggin celebrity?  I kid, I kid.

So, that’s pretty much it for now, see you on Saturday…