Birthday Weekend

Well, I might a year older, but there’s nothing lame about the weekend I just had.  Thanks to my wonderful, sneaky wife she ambushed me trying to leave work on Friday and we ended up with a great dinner and evening out with some fine folks.  I’m a lucky man to have so many good friends in my life, that much is certain.  The party didn’t end on Friday, I laid around the house like a king (-sized couch potatoe) and we were treated to the wonderful awesomeness that is Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny with the Wilsons.  Even after Saturday the Nikki and the kids had a little pizza party for me on Sunday and I opened my gifts (as if I needed them).  As if all that wasn’t too much, then I open up the last gift and it’s a Nintendo Wii.  Holy crap, batman.

So then, I set a record for putting all of the kids to bed in the shortest time possible so I could run downstairs and set the thing up.  I must say, it’s very intuitive and fun, even in the first 20 minutes of play.  You really have to try it to understand what it feels like to be swinging your arms around and controlling the action on the screen.  Way cool.

So, anyway, I’m just a very lucky guy and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday.  Special gushy thanks to my wonderful wife Nikki who is not only my best friend, but tolerated me showing off my new video game when she very clearly wanted to be in bed asleep.  🙂

Love you baby, thanks for the great weekend.

3 thoughts on “Birthday Weekend

  1. I think you should have a wii party and drink a wii bit of booze while wii all laugh at you playing on the…what was it called?

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