Sorry I took so long Whit…

Sorry for the delay in updates…little man Cael had a blast on his first day of school.  He had a great time and can’t wait for today to go back. Today will be his first day of regular schooling routine.  He goes today, tomorrow and then on Thursday this week and every week after.  He’s pumped.  His face lights up when I say, “You get to go to school today!”  He jumps up and down and gives me a hug!  Too cute.

The nice thing for me too though, is that when I say on Monday and Fridays, it’s just you and me today, he also gets excited and spends the afternoons saying to me, “C’mon my ol’ pal!” or “Come with me pal!”  I guess I’m starting to be as great as Quinn in his eyes…..when Quinn isn’t around that is 🙂

One other update is that Jordy has her picture day tomorrow.  The difference about this picture day and every other picture day before this one, is that this one is for her “Student Card”.  Do you believe this?  Things like that slap me back into the reality that our daughter actually is in highschool.  Jr. or not, it’s still highschool.  Sheesh!

I’m still waiting for a point in time when my head starts to believe that we are as old as we are.  Court and I just turned thirty five and I swear sometimes we act like 25 year olds.  I know I certainly THINK like a 25 year old.  May we always stay that way!