Cats are Dumb

I don’t really have any time to blog anything of worth, except that I noticed a news article today that sums up exactly how I feel about most cats.  This cat apparently got it’s head stuck in an empty jar of peanut butter, which incidentally is something I really need to see on YouTube at some point before I die.  Who am I kidding, it’s probably there already, I just can’t get to YouTube from work.  If you can, please enrich us all by posting the link to the video in the comments. Anyway, not only did the cat get his (probably freakishly huge head) somehow stuck in a jar, he was stuck that way for 19 days without dying because he was so fat.  Once he thinned out a bit on his “peanut butter diet” he was caught and freed, never to be able to stand the smell of peanut butter again.  It’s right out of a Winnie the Pooh story folks, and I know that first hand because I have watched that very movie several times.  Many times.  Many several separate viewings, at different times, over the past decade or so.  You could say I know it well.

So, uh, there you go, cats are dumb.