Yay Cricket! AAAH Bees! Yay Cricket!

A swarm of bees interrupted a cricket game in Sri Lanka, forcing the players to all lie motionless on the ground until the bees moved on.  In other news, cricket is still stupid, and even bees can’t be bothered to watch more than a few minutes of it at a time.

I wonder how that looked to anyone watching the game?  I mean, if I saw all of the players suddenly laying down one at a time, I would just assume that there was a halftime nap or something.  It’s kind of hard to follow for a poor Canuck such as myself, given that the score was apparently 442 to 9 to 6 x Pi.  Clear as a bell.  Nevermind that there were only two teams playing.  And that there’s apparently no time limit to the game, you just play until you can’t see anymore in the dark.  I’m not kidding.  If the whole point of the game was to scare the guy with the bat into flinching so you can throw the wooden ball into the surveyor’s stake, wouldn’t it be VERY effective if the guy with the bat couldn’t see the ball coming?  I bet he would flinch everytime.  Anyway, apparently Sri Lanka kicked England’s wiffle this time around.  Or I think they did anyway.  Does this make sense to anyone?

“Sri Lanka declared at 442 runs for eight wickets in its second innings to set England a 350-run target with one day left. England was 9-1 when bad light stopped play. “

 What the heck does that mean? 

Disclaimer:  I freely admit that I know absolutely nothing at all about cricket, and so I am unfairly calling it stupid.  It’s one of the most popular games in the world, there must be something to it, right?  There’s a ton of info here, but I’m thinking it’s probably one of those things best experienced with a cold beer on one hand, and a seasoned cricket fan giving you the play by play as you watch a test, or match, or joust, or whatever cricket games are called.