Breaking News: 8th Vallentyne Xmas Party (potentially) Suckiest Ever

This just in:  Due to the worst ever response to the invitation spam, the Vallentynes are forced to conclude that “This year’s party is the worst ever, and it hasn’t even happened yet.”  Party Planning Peon and official spokesperson Courtney said “When that party night finally gets here, I pity the fools (that haven’t even showed up yet) for the (potentially) bad time they might have (if more peope don’t show up that night).”  Sparkling Chief Party Tartlet and Good Time Marshall Nikki had a slightly more practical view of the party-to-be:  “I am (planning on) making a whole ton of food for the guests (that better decide to come if they know what’s good for them).  If they don’t make up their minds (and come to this party), I will be left with a lot of food and booze (that I haven’t even shopped for yet).”

Vallentyne Party Attendance was at an all time low last year due to poor weather, with only 25 souls braving the ice storm to get to the best time in their long dreary lives.  “Weather is still beyond my power to change, for now.  But this year the (very long range) forecast (we haven’t heard yet) is good, so there’s no excuse for them not to come and have some of my patented Nik-in-the-butt shots”,  SCPT and GTM Nikki muttered under her breath darkly.

So come on people!  There’s TONS of time to get your arses in gear and let us know you are coming, but jeez, where’s the fun in waiting til the last minute?