Victoria’s Bitter indeed

A scientist in New Zealand manages to make me sit up and pay attention to his dire global warming message by hitting me right where it hurts: in the liver.  Apparently this global warming thing is going to make malting barley hard to grow where it currently grows.  The only saving grace here was this report was focused on farmers in New Zealand and Australia, and not Canada, but it’s not hard to imagine it here, now is it?

That would definitely put a kink in my climate change survival plan.  If the climate is going to cook us to death in a dusty hellish wasteland, I was really planning to just sit on a lawn chair (or dirt chair as they will soon be called) and drink beer, watching Rome burn so to speak.  Now beer will also be (somehow more) expensive or (GASP!) nonexistent?  If that’s not enough to get your fat ass into a Prius, what is?  This is beer we are talking about folks!

2 thoughts on “Victoria’s Bitter indeed

  1. Pingback: Mundane Ramblings » Beer Panic

  2. Pingback: Mundane Ramblings » “Cheap” beer prices going up

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