She’s just Married to a spy…

It seems that the wife of Britain’s new spy chief may have skipped class the day they taught “keep a low profile” at spy school.  Assuming you can even be married to a spy like that and not be a spy yourself.  If she is a spy, then perhaps she should consider retiring.

Or just maybe this is all part of a plot so fiendishly complicated and convoluted, it’s diabolical in it’s intricacy, a tasty nugget of intrigue, wrapped in a mystery, baked and smothered in secret sauce, the implications of which could shake the very foundations of the free world to it’s core….

Or maybe she just wasn’t thinking about her hubby’s stupid job, and wanted to post some pictures of her kids on Facebook.

Yeah, it’s probably the second thing.

Still, it’s fun stuff.  Wonder how many “double 0” agents MI6 had to deploy to get those pictures off Facebook?