Naked Dental Appointment

It seems that a man in Connecticut (a state so confused it’s very name is an oxymoron) decided to show up at his dental appointment ready to go, with the exception of his clothes. After the receptionist screamed (really?) he ran away, apparently back home where he tried to pretend he was asleep at home the whole time.  Um ya.

I tried to come up with an appropriate dental related pun here, and the best I could do was something about “filling a cavity”, or “trust me, this won’t hurt a bit”, or possibly something to do with drilling (wink wink, nudge nudge), which didn’t seem appropriate for the family blog.  Any suggestions?

I myself have a dental appointment on Monday that I’m not looking forward to, although I’m thinking that being naked isn’t going to make it any more fun.

One thought on “Naked Dental Appointment

  1. It’s all perspective my dear. You (in my opinion) would be some eye-candy walking in on said appointment…therefore making it my very lucky day as a receptionist, HOWEVER….we don’t really know what this guy looked like. Perhaps he resembled a Sasquatch with the figure of a potbelly pig combined with summer teeth (some are there, some are not) with blue eyes (one blew this way, one blew that way)…you catch my drift…

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