About Court

This is Courtney Vallentyne's blog.

Hey! I just drove the

Hey! I just drove the hearse…and that’s not a metaphor for ANYTHING!!! Court did live with Tim who was the self-proclaimed Grand Pooba of certain unsavory activities at the funeral home. They tried to recruit me, but I’m not into that whole necrophelia movement. I heard that Gary was one of the first to join their little cabal. I heard the initiation was…well…icky.

Good call on this Blogger thing, Court. It’s fun!

I’d be careful there Wilson.

I’d be careful there Wilson. As I recall it, you were the one that WORKED there giving you waaaaay more access than even Court (or myself) to the goings on of said establishment. This just opens up the conversation EVEN MORE to what that 15% of your spare time is consisting of. Did they ever give you a key Robbi?

Does Nikki email any of

Does Nikki email any of you like this? Of course this email was totally unprovoked!

Well then go for fuck sake. Stop emailing me FUCK!

Nice mouth for a mother… – Now who’s chicken?

Get yer gray matter outta

Get yer gray matter outta the gutter, Gibson! I’ll have you know that my “miscellaneous” 15% consists of volunteering at a soup kitchen here downtown…OK, would you believe that I walk little old ladies and children across busy Elgin street? Alright, alright, I hand out coupons for alternative theatre at the Bare Fax! Sheesh. Like you all haven’t done THAT before. It’s NOTHING compared to what Court used to do at the funeral home! Sure he looks all innocent, but…WOW….he ain’t! Nooo sirreee BOB!

Yes, I can’t wait for

Yes, I can’t wait for double-trouble everything! Chicken pox for two at the same time will be SO much fun. Thanks Court – I was just getting used to the idea of twins and trying to think of all the good things…each one leading by example for the other, having a best friend forever – now it’s gone – NICE! I know we’re in for it but there’s no turning back now. My cousin Rob wanted to know what John was asking for his hockey equipment and golf clubs. I think John’s going to have an auction and put the money toward a god-awful minivan! UGH!

the ever-growing Andrea