About Court

This is Courtney Vallentyne's blog.

Rob’s miscellaneous activities at work?

Rob’s miscellaneous activities at work? I know what you all are thinking, but remember, he’s at the office. He doesn’t have nearly the kind of freedom for, uh, stimulating diversions as some people have. What could he be doing in that 15% of the day that he claims he’s not surfing? Making crank phone calls? Reading tea leaves? Staring, slack-jawed, at the wall above his monitor?

Isn’t The Onion the best?!

Isn’t The Onion the best?! Man, I love that site!

To say that I code all day long would be an exaggeration. I’d say I spend 70% surfing the web, 15% coding, and 15% miscellaneous (of which I won’t get into).

My sides are still hurting

My sides are still hurting from this one: McDonalds Drops “Hammurderer” Character From Advertising

The Hammurderer

The last sentence made water come out my nose. I was drinking water at the time so that’s not as unusual as it sounds at first.

Hey Kent, POST something. You know, POST something? POST!

Can you tell that I have finally figured out how to post pictures? You would think that Wilson would be offering suggestions on how to make the blog better, but no, the f$&!er just sits there, laughing. He only frigging writes code all day long you would think he could throw me a bone. But no.

So you’ll just have to wait until I finally figure it all out.

Kent, post man.

Hey. Kent got a little


Kent got a little spaced out there on us, that’s ok. That’s ok. It’s his first time. That’s no reason to have an awkward silence, although that felt good to let him twist in the wind on that one for a while. Anywho, I thought I would give you an idea of what the Quinnpox look like.
Poor bastard

This is pretty good actually. He looked worse yesterday when the pox were a lot redder and angrier. I can’t in good taste show you where the majority of the pox really are, but I will leave that to your imagination. It hasn’t been too fun, although I must admit that I did laugh when I saw him “scooting” in the tub, trying to itch those damn things. I think that we might have had about 4 hours of sleep on Saturday night, and then on Sunday night we were in the ER for about 3 hours, I think I had 2 hours of sleep that night. Nobody is too happy in that scenario.

Still I think we are on the mend now, we got a bit more sleep last night, and things are looking up. See what you have to look forward to Andrea? Only twice as bad?

Alright, Alright, I’m here now.

Alright, Alright, I’m here now. Congratulations Andrea and John – when they’re about a year and a half old, you can race’em(the twins, not Andrea and John).

Don’t really have much to say other than that words, “prenatal”, “parental” and “paternal” are all anagrams for each other.

I really have too much time on my hands still. My latest thought is “why the future is not as vivid as the past?” We have perfect perception of the present, slightly hazy recollections of the past but nothing but intuition for the future (unless you’re “psychic”). Why is that? I think we should be given the same vision of the future as the past – it is the same distance away chronologically, right?

Anyone with insight or a solution to this, please advise and bring lottery numbers.

Later Dudes.