Camp Smitty Finale

So, we finally got the kids home safe and sound today.  It was a great day, incredibly hot but wonderful and fun.  We got up early and headed down with Ben G to get the kidlets at camp.  We were greeted with huge hugs and big smiles and sunburnt faces, so that’s exactly what we wanted to see.  We got a few pictures of the campers together before they all left for their respective homes, and then it was just the few of us left, the parents and kids that didn’t take the bus.  Finally it was time to ask Quinn about the letter.

I took him aside and asked him about the letter he sent.  There was some confusion since he had sent a letter, but it was handed to us today, and didn’t come in the mail.  No, I said, the letter you sent that said “you do not like it”.  Quinn’s forehead crinkled in confusion, and he said he didn’t remember sending anything like that.  I asked him again, and told him exactly what was in the letter, and that it came in an envelope with his name on it, because Nikki had thoughtfully pre-addressed and stamped 8 (optimistic) envelopes that had the kids names on them so we would know which kid it came from (she’s adorable like that, there’s just no other way we could have known which kid sent which letter).  His eyes did register some recognition at that, and he slowly recalled that Cael had stolen one of his envelopes and his paper.  My eyes widened as I realized what had happened and I slowly turned to Cael and asked him if he wrote the letter and signed Quinn’s name.  His trademark smirk and mischievous eyes told me he was guilty.  He said “I might have accidentally taken one of Quinn’s envelopes….”  At this point I stopped him and said, no, it wasn’t an accident, you did that on purpose.  His grin grew wider and he stammered a bit and said “No hard feelin’s eh?”  What can you say to that?

So, in the end, Nikki and I got pranked SO BAD by our 7 year old son that we were calling the camp director to make sure everything was ok.  In hindsight it makes us even madder that we overlooked Cael’s rather, ah, carefree penmanship when compared to Quinn’s careful letters.  He got us, and he got us good.  I am busting with pride over the sheer genius of the whole thing, and I’m not afraid to tell you about it.  What a kid.

Anyway, camp was a huge success, they all want to go back, we are heroes for sending them, and life is good once again.  Having the house full of sleeping kids just feels right, there’s no other way to describe it.