Cael’s Christmas List for Santa

It seems that our youngest child has been on a roll lately, thought I would share some of the fun with you.

Cael on eating pizza:

I would like one piece of pizza because I am fit and thin

Cael on receiving his new hockey team toque (which he hasn’t taken off his head in the three days since):

Mmmm, it still has that new toque smell.

Cael giving a mall Santa his modest list of Christmas gift wishes:

An EXACT mannequin of himself
A jetpack
A skateboard half-pipe
The ability to levitate.

Yes, of course, Santa has a whole WHACK of extra Cael mannequins just LAYING (literally) around.  These don’t sound like normal 6 year old demands, do they?   What does a new toque smell like?  Will I look back on these things later and hit myself in the forehead and say “It was all right there, why didn’t I see the signs he was starting to display super-villain tendencies?”.