Delicious Silica Gel, not just for breakfast anymore

silicagelGiven that I am a geek, the procurement of geekly devices is the very reason I go to work. Oh, and to provide food and shelter for my family, that too. Anyway, I can happily say that I have been lucky enough to open lots of geek stuff over the years and I have to share something that I have been thinking about for a while now.

The makers of geekly devices ALWAYS pack said devices with at least one or two of these packets of silica gel, somewhere in the box. Silica gel absorbs water. The idea, as I understand it, is to absorb any transient moisture in the box that might damage the precious innards of the object of geekly desire. Anyway, whatever the reason for the gel, the manufacturer prints “do not eat” on each and every packet of this stuff, as if we are simple sheep eating our way into the box, grazing first upon the styrofoam (cut to cradle whatever device is in there), then the plastic bag (inevitably taped and twisted so as to make removal basically impossible), moving on to… what’s this? A small packet of crumbly goodness. You would have to be a complete moron to eat this stuff, even if it does resemble a sugar packet. But wait….

I have opened literally hundreds of boxes of gadgets over the years, each time NOT eating that silical gel, each time noting that the packet says “do not eat”. It’s almost tempting me. Maybe I’m a chump for throwing away thousands of packets of fine tasty silica gel. I wonder what it tastes like? It must be damn tasty to have to remind us each time to NOT eat it, like telling a houseful of kids “Don’t eat these wonderful warm cookies fresh from the oven that I am going to leave on the counter.”

Oh silica gel, why dost thou tempt me so? Sure, you are dusted with a toxic, carcinogenic powder, but so are Sour Patch Kids, and we eat those by the millions. Yes, you are a desiccant, but again, so are Sour Patch Kids….
