Go The F#$k To Sleep

As any parent can tell you, sometimes kids don’t exactly have the same ideas as you when it comes to sleep.  Whatever the reason for it is, and however legitimate, sometimes you just want the kids to be sleeping for your own sanity.

When I first saw this I thought it was a spoof, but it turns out to be a real book that you can actually buy.  Or better yet, you can for a limited time get the audiobook as performed by Samuel Jackson for free on Audible.com (well worth the sign-up).  To say that Samuel does a good job reading this book is an enormous understatement.  I listened to it this afternoon while at a client site (it IS only 5 minutes long, so my conscience is clear), and I had a REALLY hard time keeping quiet.  This f$%king book is hilarious, and is actually quite well written.  Samuel’s reading was perfect, and his introduction pretty much makes the rest of the book sound like he wrote the thing.

“All the kids from daycare are in dreamland. The froggie has made his last leap. Hell no you can’t go to the bathroom, you know where you can go? The fuck to sleep.”

I can’t recommend this more.  It’s absolutely priceless.  Also, it seems that this book went to #1 on Amazon on pre-sales orders based on the wide scale piracy of the PDF months before it became available.  I hope the author makes some money from this one, he deserves it.

Saw it on Boing Boing.  Thank you Boing Boing.