Sniffy Stuffy Stiffy

I recently bought Lloyd and Harvey some new dog toys, along with some new gear getting ready for Lloyd’s obedience class (no doubt the topic of a future blog post all by itself).

Taking Lloyd to PetSmart is an amplified version of what happens everytime I take Lloyd anywhere.  The amount of attention this dog gets is insane.  He’s a rock star everywhere he goes.  The looks, the grins, and the conversations with people are a constant.  What is it about St. Bernards that attract attention like no other breed?  Harvey is a beautiful dog, but he can’t hold a candle to this kind of attention.  The best part of the whole thing is Lloyd is completely indifferent to it.  He really doesn’t care about the people.  The dogs are another thing entirely.

Lloyd loves other dogs, whether or not they love him.  Most return the affection, but some don’t.  Lloyd has no sense of personal space if you are a dog butt.  Some dogs aren’t all that keen to have a wet nose the size of a baseball attached to 130lbs of unstoppable dog rammed into their butts, no matter how friendly he is.  I know I wouldn’t be.  When Lloyd sniffs, he really sniffs, in the draftiest, snuffliest sense.  There is nothing lost on Lloyd when it comes to smells.

Anyway, I got home from the pet store, Lloyd promptly stole the stuffy I bought from the bag as I was taking my boots off and ran off to show Harvey.  In approximately 15 minutes, this was the scene that greeted me when I came downstairs.

They look guilty, and well they should.  The stuffy is no more, or just a shell of it’s former self.  Oh well, easy come, easy go.  If you look carefully you will notice that Lloyd doesn’t quite look as guilty as he should, it’s exceptionally hard to look properly remorseful with a stiffy.

That is a universal lesson that all males should take to heart when trying to get away with something: with a stiffy, your chances are iffy.