Kibble Coma

Llife with Lloyd is settling into a routine, although slowly.  The house training was almost perfect from day one, he’s a great puppy that way.  The accidents we have are really our own fault, although he doesn’t tell us when he needs to go just yet.  One thing we have been doing that has worked so far is limiting his access to food and water, unless we are ready to handle the inevitable repercussions of that.

No problem, but he does eat at a rather leisurely pace.  He meanders between food and water and back again until he is completely sated.  Too much, as it turns out, since he has taken to basically eating until he passes out beside his dog dish.  We just set him up for snacktime and then walk away, and leave him.  Sometime later we remember we left a 9 10 week old puppy alone in the basement and rush down to see what he got into, only to find him slumped beside his dishes, overcome by the effort of actually eating.



I’m thinking that this phase won’t last long, but then again we are actually feeding him more food per day than Harvey gets, by about a pound.  It’s not that surprising he feels a tad sluggish, I suppose.