Dog Party Mix

Just a short tail today of dog husbandry, and reuse.  For various reasons (medically, probably OCD) I become twitchy when I can hear the dog’s nails on the floor when they walk around the house.  In an effort to keep those mental demons at bay I usually trim the dog’s toenails once a week or so.  I’m now pretty good at it, it takes very little time and in over 17 years I have only cut a nail too short 3 times.  But I digress.

Today I was cutting dog toenails.  I did Lloyd’s huge paws first.  He hates it, but tolerates me doing it for the treat at the end.  I collected the trimmings and then called Kevin over for his turn.  Before I could even get him laying down he went right over to Lloyd’s clipped nails and started snacking down on the pile like they were peanuts.

I’m definitely gagging at this point, and trying to get Kevin to spit them out, but he was really loving them and wouldn’t let them go.  Kevin had his treat before I cut his nails, it would seem.

It got me thinking, maybe he has it right.  I mean who knows, maybe those suckers are DELICIOUS. I basically have an endless supply of this apparently amazing thing.  I might start off with using them as a salad topper first, and just go from there.  Anybody want to come for dinner?