Twitter Gets Even Weirder

Well, it seems that the world of Twitter just got slightly stranger as Geordie LaForge (also known as LeVar Burton, his real name) from Star Trek decided to use Twitter to plan an impromptu meetup with some of his Twitter followers in Toronto.  He tweeted that he was looking for a pub in Toronto to go to for a beer after an interview on CBC’s The Hour.  He got some suggestions, and then he said, ok I will be at this one in 45 minutes, meet me there for a beer.  And some people actually did.  By all accounts it was a rather awkward meeting, since no-one knew anyone else, and the folks that could actually get there were only mostly casual fans, not his typical hard-core Trek fans.  Still, this shows that Twitter allows a previously impossible level of immediacy to this sort of thing.  It really would be a dream for a marketer to say to the followers of a strong brand “Be in the market at the corner of George in 20 minutes for some free ice cream”.  Some folks would probably show, if they were interested, and if the story was compelling enough.

It’s a strange, twittery world out there people.  You should get involved, it’s still new enough to be fun, and it’s definitely new enough to be changing things as it goes along.