Bassett Hounds

There are a few times when owning two dogs is less than fun.  Like this morning when somebody puked on the carpet, and there’s just no other place to puke than carpet, despite all of the tile and hardwood to choose from.  Or when I am taking dogs outside to pee for the millionth time in the pouring rain.  Or when I leave for work and I hear the sighs of two dogs as I close the door.  However, that quickly goes away when I see something like this:  Bassett Hounds Running

Good lord, I can’t handle the cute.  One thing is for certain, and that is Basset Hounds are not “Built For Speed”.  You can actually see the leg skin moving….  This guy is concentrating as hard as he can on just not tripping on his ears.  His lips must obscure his vision from time to time.

I just know that Lloyd has this kind of picture in him, he has almost as much loose skin as these clowns, and of course he can actually run, unlike these guys.  I need to get a picture of Lloyd running, or figure out how to take one.  My camera-fu isn’t up to the task.

Anyway, there you go.  You can’t tell me these pictures don’t make you willing to forgive quite a bit of carpet puke, and lots of trips to the backyard.  I know it worked on me.

Thanks Boing Boing

14 thoughts on “Bassett Hounds

  1. this is awesome babe. You are right, we do need a pic of Lloyd like this for sure!

  2. Oh, Court! You can totally do this shot with your camera! And it would look awesome. We did one of Sully at the beach and at the dog park, and I love how they turn out. Lloyd’s would be frame worthy, no doubt about it!

  3. I’m up for the challenge. Question is, where are we going to take Lloyd where he can run full out and still be reigned in afterwards? Although, pictures of you chasing Lloyd would be pretty good too.

  4. Boy you hit it on the head, my dog Abby not only puked on the carpet, she did it 6 times and each time, yep it was on the carpet, in the bedroom, in the hall and in the living room, she wouldn’t go on the ceramic tile, no, only on the carpet that was cleaned professionaly about 2 months ago…….

  5. The beach would be a better venue, but the dog park might be easier. The only problem with MacLaren’s Landing is that it’s techcially a private beach.

  6. I appreciate the effort you guys are putting into what amounts to me to be a carefully planned panic sprint chasing Lloyd wherever he goes. You will have one shot at this Wilson….

  7. Jules, did you click through to the page I linked to? There’s a ton, they are all awesome. I can’t help but imagine the actual speed they are able to run at, it’s probably no more than a walk for us. These pictures make it look epic though.

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